Web Maps
The pedestrian network maps help us visualize the condition and needs of our pedestrian environment. The data were collected by both volunteers and MPO staff and are a key component of the Pedestrian Facilities Master Plan. The maps include the following data:
The location and priority level of Missoula's missing sidewalks
The location and condition of Missoula's existing sidewalks
The presence of pedestrian ramp improvements at Missoula's intersections
The location of motor-vehicle crashes involving pedestrians
The bicycle network maps provide information on Missoula's existing bicycle environment including infrastructure, connectivity, comfort levels, and crash locations. Mapping this information helps us identify gaps in our active transportation system and can be used as a helpful route planning tool for individuals biking in Missoula. The maps include the following data:
The location of Missoula's bicycle facilities
The level of traffic stress expected for bicyclists along Missoula's roadways
The location of motor-vehicle crashes involving bicyclists
Montana department of Transportation (MDT) provides annual average daily traffic (AADT) data for the state. When zoomed into the Missoula area the map shows AADT by road segment. Follow this link to explore additional interactive web maps provided by MDT.