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Reserve Street Community Input

Click here to view the report 

Welcome to the Reserve Street Community Input Project!  The Missoula Metropolitan Planning Organization is engaging in a transparent, community-informed process to answer the question, “What will improve people’s experience with Reserve Street?”  This process will identify variables related to safety, access, comfort, and livability while understanding the current experiences and expectations of area residents, shoppers, employees, and other Reserve Street users.


The MPO and 5th House Consulting hosted an Virtual Open House on Wednesday, August 11th at 6 PM to discuss the findings from the Reserve Street Community Input Project Report.  The project team will showed a short animated video followed by an opportunity for discussion and Q & A.  The purpose of this project was to understand Missoulian’s lived experience of Reserve Street and what they believe would improve their experience. The project also intended to create a process for dialogue between members of the community and transportation staff to facilitate increased awareness of ongoing efforts, responsibility, and planning.

Reserve street (1).jpg

Learn more about the Reserve Street Community Input Forum here

View the FAQs from the Community Input Forum here

In January 2020 the Missoula Metropolitan Planning Organization hosted a Reserve Street Community Input Forum to gather community input around the question, “What will improve people’s experience with the Reserve Street area?”  In addition to learning about public involvement during the planning process, there were three learning stations where participants had the opportunity to ask questions and learn about; How is Missoula approaching transportation safety on Reserve Street, Plans for Reserve Street, and Land Use and Traffic.  There were also two sharing stations where graphic recorders documented participants current experience of Reserve Street and how they would envision the future of the corridor.  The information gathered at this event, focus groups, and interviews will be used to inform future projects of the MPO. 

435 Ryman St 

Missoula MT, 59802

(406) 552-6670

The Missoula MPO attempts to provide accommodations for any known disability that may interfere

with a person participating in any service, program, or activity. For further information, call (406) 552-6674 . 

© 2025 Missoula Metropolitan Planning Organization

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