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Reports & Studies

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (U.S. EPA) Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization (OBLR) and U.S. EPA Region 8 provided technical assistance to the City of Missoula in advancing its brownfields redevelopment goals for the North Reserve-Scott Street area, specifically related to transportation network improvements needed to support recent and pending reinvestment. This document is intended to serve as a resource for the City of Missoula leadership, Missoula County, and other stakeholders to evaluate potential ways to advance focused transportation improvement concepts developed through previous planning activities. 

The purpose of this report is to identify areas of high opportunity within Urban Renewal Districts (URD) II & III for improving bicycle infrastructure which would mutually strengthen redevelopment opportunities and support growth of bicycle ridership in people of all ages and abilities. The goal is to generate a study of transportation, land use, and infrastructure elements to determine potential for improvements that would have the greatest impact to Missoula’s non-motorized transportation network which would ultimately help catalyze development.

The purpose of this paper is to document the methods and process utilized by the MPO to set mode share goals with the goal of providing a framework/blueprint for city planners in other communities. This paper is also intended to help guide planners in considering different policy options that will help support mode share goals and ultimately help reduce SOV usage. This paper defines transportation mode share, explains the reasons behind setting mode share goals, provides background data on Missoula’s historic and current transportation mode share trends, presents various case studies, and provides policy suggestions for the Missoula MPO.

The 2015 Missoula Area Transportation Survey provides information about Missoula area residents’ opinions regarding the area transportation system and area residents’ use of the area transportation system. The particular tool used to obtain this information, a rigorously conducted, randomly sampled survey enables the MPO to obtain reliable estimates of the proportion of the area population that holds various opinions and who use various aspects of the transportation system. These estimates provide key information that will be helpful in the development of the 2016 - 2045 Missoula Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).

435 Ryman St 

Missoula MT, 59802

(406) 552-6670

The Missoula MPO attempts to provide accommodations for any known disability that may interfere

with a person participating in any service, program, or activity. For further information, call (406) 552-6674 . 

© 2025 Missoula Metropolitan Planning Organization

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