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Missoula Connect: Long Range Transportation Plan Technical Advisory Committee

The Missoula MPO established The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to advise and provide expertise for the LTRP 2050 update.  The TAC represents agency staff and technical partners such as the City Engineer, MDT, County Planning, and Public Works and provides input on project cost estimates and descriptions, project prioritization and development of funding scenarios.

Technical Advisory Committee Agendas & Materials

MARCH 6, 2020


JUNE 12, 2020

SEPTEMBER 18, 2020

OCTOBER 30, 2020

FEBRUARY 18, 2021



Missoula Connect: Long Range Transportation Plan Citizens Advisory Committee

The LRTP Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) includes representatives from a diverse group of community organizations to support the LTRP update process, such as the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Board, the Chamber of Commerce, Missoula Organization of of Realtors, the Community Forum (City of Missoula neighborhood representatives), Community Councils, City-County Health Department, and Climate Smart Missoula.  

Citizens Advisory Committee Agendas & Materials

MARCH 5, 2020

JUNE 18, 2020

SEPTEMBER 16, 2020


OCTOBER 29, 2020

FEBRUARY 10, 2021



MPO Transportation Technical Advisory Committee

TTAC provides technical advice to the TPCC and technical direction to the inter-agency staff of the Missoula Urban Transportation Planning Process.  For meeting agendas and minutes, click here. ​


MPO Transportation Policy Coordinating Committee

TPCC develops and keeps current transportation planning as an integral part of the comprehensive regional planning for the Missoula urban area. This committee works closely with the City, County, Missoula Consolidated Planning Board and the State to develop and keep current urban transportation planning in the Missoula area.  For meeting agendas and minutes, click here

435 Ryman St 

Missoula MT, 59802

(406) 552-6670

The Missoula MPO attempts to provide accommodations for any known disability that may interfere

with a person participating in any service, program, or activity. For further information, call (406) 552-6674 . 

© 2025 Missoula Metropolitan Planning Organization

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