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Missoula Connect, our region's long-range transportation plan, has taken shape as a final plan. After dozens of community conversations and events, we are excited to have a plan that will guide transportation planning for the next 30 years.  Click the buttons below to view the final plan, appendices, and the resident's guide. 

Project background

Kicking off in January 2020, Missoula Connect began gathering insights from residents, businesses, and community organizations with an emphasis on values-based priorities for the area’s future transportation. The public was first asked to weigh in on what is important and why. Examples of values based input include: ‘I value an efficient commute so I can spend more time recreating or with family,’  Wider bikes lanes are important to me so I feel safe riding downtown,’ or ‘I’d like to see increased bus service mid-day so it’s easier to use public transportation for my errands.’   Learn more about the MPO and the LRTP update below.

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We gathered more than 200 project and program ideas, including recommendations from the 2016 Long-Range Transportation Plan and new suggestions from our committees and from residents across the region. 


We sorted through the ideas and identified those that are appropriate for a regional long-range plan. We combined some projects and passed others along to the City and County for their planning efforts. Finally, we moved the program ideas into a separate list so they can be added to our final Missoula Connect recommendations.


Even after screening the projects, we had more than 150 individual ideas for improving the transportation system. We used over 20 criteria to score these projects and determine which best meet Missoula Connect goals.    


We used the projects that scored the highest—or those that are most likely to advance our region’s goals—to develop three transportation network scenarios. These three scenarios and two approaches to growth are the focus of community outreach in December 2020.


We’ve taken the feedback you shared about the scenarios that best meet your needs and worked with our committees to create a Recommended Scenario. The Recommended Scenario combines projects from all three of the previous scenarios, with a focused on Enhanced Connections and Regional Equity. 

Interested in learning more about the Missoula Metropolitan Planning Organization?    MPOs are federally required for urban areas greater than 50,000.  Missoula's MPO was established in 1982 and is responsible for long-range planning and programming of federal transportation funds within the Missoula area. Click here to learn about more about who we are, what we do, and why we do it.

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One of the Missoula-area's largest planning projects that will be underway in 2020 is an update to our Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), which we're calling Missoula Connect.  The federal government requires that we prepare a LRTP every four years.  It is a plan that looks at all modes of transportation and identifies future priorities for projects and funding.  Missoula is on the move and we need to ensure we're not only keeping pace but staying ahead. Click here to learn more about Missoula Connect and view the project timeline. 

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COVID-19 Updates​

To ensure the safety of our residents and staff, we will be cancelling all non-essential, in-person meetings and open houses until further notice. Planning projects will continue on schedule, with any in-person meetings or events taking place remotely, as it allows. In the meantime, please feel free to contact us via email with any questions or concerns. 


For more COVID-19 updates, you can stay informed through the City/County Health Department web site and information line at 406-258-INFO.

435 Ryman St 

Missoula MT, 59802

(406) 552-6670

The Missoula MPO attempts to provide accommodations for any known disability that may interfere

with a person participating in any service, program, or activity. For further information, call (406) 552-6674 . 

© 2025 Missoula Metropolitan Planning Organization

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